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30 Men’s Jewelry Brands Advertising Examples & Ideas in 2022

In this post, we will talk about different advertising examples from men’s jewelry brands in 2021 and see what works and doesn’t. By the time you finish this post we want you to learn what strategies and ideas to use to properly increase your conversion rate.

Men’s Jewelry Market Size Analysis

Following a report, the value of the global jewelry market size stood at $278.5 billion in 2018. Moreover, over the forecast period, 2020-2025, we will witness significant growth. In order to drive more demand for jewelry, the increase of disposable income and innovative jewelry designs offered by manufacturers will help achieve this goal over the forecast period.

Let’s see what kind of advertisement men’s jewelry brands have in store in 2021.

#1 David Yurman Men’s Jewelry Advertising Example

In this advertisement on Facebook, David Yurman uses a good contrast between jewels and background. By using good focus and light on products, will lead to an increase in sales. Also, very nice colors will grab the attention of the viewers.

#2 Jan Leslie Corporation Men’s Jewelry Advertising Idea

In this example, we have unique shark-looking cufflinks presented by Jan Leslie. Although for this advertising they use product image, the fact that the zoom is on the cufflinks saves them. A good combination of colors and contrast.

#3 John Hardy Advertising Example

In this example on the right photo the focus is on the products, but the contrast of background, the weak light on jewels do not help in keeping the viewers hooked. The dark skin and hair on the hand helps a little bit on the zoom image, but the lack of good light is a minus.

#4 King Baby Studio Example of Advertising

King baby does a great job in grabbing attention with a cool-looking man and a good light and focus on the products. Also, the copy of this ad makes viewers hooked by listing benefits on how the bracelets are made.

#5 Clock and Colours Men’s Advertising Jewelry

A good example of advertising from the aesthetics point of view. This ad creates a connection between music and jewelry. If they target this segment this ad will attract more attention. Also, the good light and focus on the jewelry brings forth the details.

#6 Atolyestone Men’s Jewelry Ads Ideas

In the video ad, the usage of dark gloves on jewelry is a very good idea. Very good contrast and background, perfect light, and focus on the product. Also adding a playful touch to the jewelry will stimulate viewers. This will attract a lot of attention and also the conversion rate will be higher.

#7 Craftdlondon Jewelry Advertising Example

Craftd London presents in one of the ad their bestsellers with a good focus which brings forth details of jewelry. The first image also has a good focus on the product of a male model with good light on jewelry.

#8 JAXXON Men’s Jewelry Advertising Idea

A very good example of using dark skin with jewelry. A very powerful contrast between gold jewelry, pink sweater, and dark skin will attract a lot of attention. Also, they will entice the audience with free shipping and a lifetime warranty.

# 9 Plata Paris Digital Marketing Advertising For Men

A grabbing attention video ad with good focus on products and a touch of masculinity. This will increase sales very good.

#10 Macabre Gadgets Advertising Strategy

In this example, we have the usage of discounts and a very big one. Discounts are good, but not for everyone. And very important how much discount are you offering. The bigger it gets the greater the loss of value for the products. This will put the image of cheap products in the head of viewers.

In terms on execution and aesthetics they did a good job. Focus on products, usage of emotion, and very good contrast on the second image.

#11 Parts of Four Idea of Advertising Men’s Jewelry

In this ad copy, we see a promotional technique called raffle promotion. In this case, for someone to enter the raffle they need to buy a product. After a random extraction, set on a date, they can win a $10.000 voucher to use on the brands website for buying more products. This is a good way to grab attention and increase sales.

In terms of ad creative, we have a focus on the products. But, not a good contrast between background and jewels, which can lead to loss of interest, and intangible image on behalf of viewers.

# 12 Patrick Adair Designs Men’s Jewelry Advertising Example

Patrick Adair has a lot of social proof in the video ad. Testimonials will create a trusting bond between the brand and customers. The ad copy enlists benefits including free shipping, which will grab attention.

The aesthetics look very good. Good contrast and very powerful colors will hook viewers and will increase the conversion rate.

#13 Lucleon Digital Marketing Example

A good advertising example, simple and efficient. Jewelry on models with good contrast, and good execution of photos. Simple always works.

#14 Ottasilver Advertising Example

Ottasilver used the Buy One Get One in their ad copy to entice people and to increase sales. Also a “How it’s made” video ad will create a bond of trust between the target audience and brand. In terms of ad creative, no problems there. A Good focus on the product with good contrast, light, and background.

#15 Midnight City Men’s Jewelry Ads Ideas

Another example of BOGO which will increase sales. As a matter of aesthetics and execution, the necklace does not have enough light. And a little crop on the product would have been better, making an A/B test after to see which converts better, the crop or the original.

#16 Vitaly Men’s Jewelry Ads Example

A good example of dark skin model on jewelry. Focus on the products. Simple and efficient.

#17 Black Rock Jewel Advertising Example

We have a nice grabbing attention video from Black Rock Jewel. Focus on the products, not on the entire video, but still good enough to hook viewers.

#18 Ralph Christian Watches Men’s Jewelry Ads

In this example, we have a video advertisement where someone shows and plays with a bracelet, giving viewers a good sensation. This will grab attention, and also the focus on product details will increase the conversion rate.

#19 Dorsal Bracelets Advertising Ideas

This brand uses pro bono cases that will help nature. A part of the money that a customer gives on a product will be redirected to that pro bono campaign. This will grab a lot of attention.

#20 Linked London Men’s Jewelry Advertising Ideas

Another advertisement with big discounts which is not very good. In terms of ad copy, they entice people with guarantees and for photo execution, good focus on products.

#21 Marcozo Advertisement Example

A very nice detailed advertisement that will grab the attention of viewers. They use a discount, but this time is small and can work pretty well on increasing sales.

#22 Secret Wood Men’s Jewelry Ads

A testimonial video ad that will make viewers trust the brand and buy. Very powerful glowing effects that grab attention and make viewers stop scrolling.

#23 Kompsos Digital Marketing Example

Good focus on photo and very good contrast between background, hand, and jewelry. A simple and good example.

#24 Gregory Jewellers Men’s Jewelry Advertising Ideas

Another simple and very good example where the details of the products are coming forth. Good execution of photos, very good light on products.

#25 Stolen Girlfriends Club Example of Men’s Jewelry Advertising

Using the free shipping marketing strategy for increasing conversion rate. Good use on dark skin with jewelry in the second photo. This and the focus on products will grab the attention of viewers.

#27 Miansai Advertising Ideas

A very unique same-size model and jewelry that will stop the viewers from scrolling. Also very good colors and focus on product for grabbing attention.

#28 Luis Morais Jewelry Advertising

#29 Azuro Republic Advertising for Men’s Jewelry

A very good Aesthetic example of advertisement. With a nice focus on the product and slightly dark skin to make a good contrast. This will be a grabbing attention ad.

#30 Designb London Advertising Ideas

A grab attention ad copy with a very good focus on the product. Very good light and good attention to detail. Also, they are claiming to have unbeatable prices and this can entice people to enter the website to check.


For a good advertising campaign for your men’s jewelry brand, you will need to pay a lot of attention to aesthetics, the execution of photos, the contrast of model and jewelry, and what e-commerce marketing strategies are you using. All of these are important so that your KPIs and metrics can rise and have an increased conversion rate.

Jewelry Marketing Specialist To Hire:

If you’ve come this far to read this blog post, then you are interested in growing your luxury business to the top. If that is the case, there is only one Jewelry Marketing Specialist that you will need to hire, and that is me. Don’t waste more of your time and send me a message.

Let’s get started already!

Also, I highly to recommend to read the following articles:

45 Skills Jewellery Marketing Expert or Director Must Have

Jewellery Marketing Budget How Much to Invest and What to Expect

30 Diamond Jewelry Advertising Ideas (Bad and Good examples)

Alexander Skibinskiy

Alexander Skibinskiy is the father of ALLDGT. Over the last 10 years, Alexander has been working in web development, digital marketing consulting, B2B sales, SEO, and e-commerce.

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