Jewelry Branding is a term misunderstood by most people. I want to explain what jewelry branding is, how it dominates the client and helps sell more. In every relationship, there is a dominator and a dominated. In the client-brand relationship, you want your brand to be the one who dominates.
Branding is much more than logo, website, colors, type fonts, messaging, packaging, videos, photos, designs, vision, communication, interior and exterior design. Branding is all about USER EXPERIENCE (UX).
Alex Skibinskiy
Research done by Forrester shows that companies that invest in UX see a lower cost per purchase, higher customer return rate, average order value and conversion rates. Also, the experiment shows that for $1 invested in UX, you will earn $100 (which means a staggering 1,000% return on investment).
As I early mentioned in my blog: Social Media Marketing for Jewelry and how User Experience influences ROI.
User experience is about the EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, and DECISIONS that your brand evokes in your customers. The more it dominates, the easier you’ll get sales. To create associations with your brand in the customer’s mind, you need to have a strong BRAND IDENTITY. It is a part of branding that creates and ensures dominating experiences. Dominant means: “I want it”, “I will buy it”, “I wish I could have money to buy it”, “wow, I will send it to my mother, she will love it”, “I will work harder to buy it”.
In what follows I’ll be covering important brand elements and how to create a better user experience.
Jewelry Branding Logo and Symbol
Scalability and meaningful symbols are a trend.
Scalability means the use of brand identity in new contexts or situations. It should be clear to everyone how to use the company brand assets, be that for a new outlet, mobile app, website, or banner. That is why you need brand guidelines. The guidelines should be simple and concise. Any artist, either in-house or external, should be able to follow them and apply them in new situations.

People have always been passionate about symbols and their meanings. When it comes to brands, symbols make us discover more about their stories. The more stories you discover, the more attached you become to a brand. I started to discover what the Cartier symbol and logo meant. I was not able to find anything meaningful or interesting to me concerning the symbol only. All I found is this explanation:
“The Cartier logo is the company name handwritten in a white on a black background. The white color symbolizes exquisiteness, purity, and uniqueness; the black color stands for perfection, elegance, and nobleness”
The following example is the German Kabirski brand who uses a cockroach as a symbol. This time I enjoyed reading the story behind the symbol. In contrast with Cartier, this brand has a strong story behind its symbol. This creates a stronger attachment and, in turn, a better user experience.

Why do you have the cockroach as your brand symbol?
I’d had a very difficult time, being on the border between life and death due to serious illness and the need to transplant an organ. I planned my own funeral. I felt very isolated during the darkest days of that period in my life, but continued to work. There was a cockroach that desired never to leave my working table and he gave me company. Strangely, he inspired the hope in me that I would live and prosper. Cockroaches are the most indestructible creatures on Earth. Ever since then, I have deemed the cockroach and his qualities my true talisman.
German Kabirski
Jewelry Brand Name
It’s pretty clear that your brand doesn’t need the word “jewelry”. Especially if you want to grow and add new products like fragrance or bags. Think about the future, and how you wish to develop and scale your brand.
Make sure your brand name is available online, with .com extension. It has to communicate strength like the examples below, which are easy to memorize. Also, ask yourself what story you can attribute to the name or symbol of your brand.
Call your friends and tell them that you bought “Name of the product” from “Name of your brand” and watch their reaction. If they ask who this is, tell them a story and again watch their reaction. Do it a few times. If they call back telling that they tried to find that brand on Google, but weren’t able to, consider this a good sign. It means that your story captured their interest and prompted them to look up the brand, which may contribute to your word-of-mouth marketing strategy.

Jewelry Brand Colors and Photos
Ensure the color you choose is unique and you don’t infringe copyright. What color should be associated with your brand? If you don’t know, hire someone to develop some color options for you.

Tiffany Blue, for example, was created specifically for this great jewelry brand. Pantone, which developed the color, assigned it a special number – 1837, which happens to be the year Tiffany & Co was founded. You won’t even find this trademarked color in Pantone samples. Tiffany uses Pantone 1837 for gift boxes and bags to be immediately recognisable.
I would avoid using more than 3 colors for a jewelry brand. For example, Rolex has 2 :
If you like the pink colour, you might fall in love with the Pandora product page. There we can spot its brand palette on model’s lips, clothing, skin tone, ‘add to cart’ button, and rating stars. In that way, every time I see a similar color, I will think about Pandora. I call it subconscious remarketing. What is the color you wish to use to remarket your audience?
Alex Skibinskiy
P.S. 50% of sales are comming from remarketing.

If you will use more then 3 colors, it will be hard to associate you with one specific color….
Alexander Skibinskiy
Photography: Category and Product Page
Ensure a consistent background, especially on category pages. These days, the grey background increasingly becomes the trend for the majority of brands, instead of clean white. Avoid using black. It’s a color that is difficult to use in advertising and product pages.

Model type and clothing can be adapted to brand colors, as you saw in Pandora’s example. Neutral clothing colors will always be in trend. The dress in the example below influences brand perception. It evokes a high-end style and it is aligned with the potential customer profile:

Jewelry Brand Communication
There’s a saying in the world of sales—“Facts tell, but stories sell”. The meaning behind this saying is obvious. If you want a person to purchase your products or services, you have to tell them a story.
You can use story elements everywhere. In advertising, product titles, descriptions, blog, vlog, email communication, and of course, customer support. The more you communicate, the more chances you have to sell.
Do not take the following example as the right one for your brand. Every brand has it’s own values and style, and you must align them to your communication.
In the following experiment, there were no values, only one goal – to sell more. I did the A/B test. Exhibit A was a product page with a short description. Exhibit B is the example you see below. I made this story in 10 min using existing content from Google. As a result, our conversion rate increased from 1% to 1.40%. That’s why you have to test different stories on the product page.

Always reply to all the comments you receive. A million comments – a million replies. Every comment and answer has a value. It can be 1$ or more. As a result, 1,000,0000 comments will bring millions in sales.
Alex Skibinskiy

For example, I don’t like Tiffany’s social media communication. They don’t reply to all the comments. The fans who comment act as brand ambassadors and they bring millions in sales. At least, say ‘thank you’ to everyone. Look how many people say “BEAUTIFUL”, they compliment Tiffany. I would reply to everyone.
Treat everyone on social media like real interactions in your retail store. Someone enters and says ‘wow it’s beautiful’, ‘I like it’, treat it as a compliment and answer back. You can’t imagine how much value communication can bring.
Alex Skibinskiy
Now about customer support
Every call has a value, the same as comments. Call everyone asap after the sale. Say that you received the order, ask if they have any questions, answer them. Do it if you want to have more repeat customers. Use your phone and Whatsapp.
Once someone enters your newsletter, tell them 3-4 stories, then sell. This is only for the welcome email series. We have more email flows. Every email marketing flow must have a short story before a call to action. For example, the abandoned cart email must be sent at least 3 times. The first one – in 10 minutes after someone abandoned the cart, the second one in 24 hours, and the third one in 3 days. In the first email, you can tell a story and remind them that they abandoned the cart. In the second one, you can offer a 5% discount. In the third one, you can offer a 10% discount which will expire in 24 hours.
You need to have email flows to communicate and convert better. Below is an example of an email flow for purchases that stimulates customer return rate.

Jewelry Brand Social Media
Focus more on creating organic content, instead of commercial. People are bored with the commercials, and they skip it to watch the content that interests them. They want to see the content that tells a story even without saying a single word, like in the example below that has 85,000,000 views. Video content works better for telling stories. You don’t need expensive equipment to tell a story or document your journey. A few lights, an iPhone, and a gifted video editor are enough.
Jewelry Brand Website
If you don’t have a perfect website, your potential customers will leave it. All the websites I have mentioned are attractive and you can draw inspiration from them.
The first impression matters. Your website must look like a freshly ironed shirt. Let’s imagine you have two sellers offering you similar earrings to buy. Sellers can’t speak and smile. Their faces looks the same. Only their shirts are different. The first one is wearing a wrinkled shirt, the second one – an ironed shirt. Of course, subconsciously, you will decide to buy from the seller with the ironed shirt. It tells you that if he takes care of his shirt, he also will take care of you as a customer. Doesn’t it?
Alex Skibinskiy

The conclusion is that good branding has to dominate the client
Do you remember when a beautiful man or a lady dominated your mind? It would be best if you achieve the same with your jewelry brand. I am always striving for perfectionism in digital marketing. Perfectionism, for me, is when I pay attention to details which results in more dominance over the customer. And I want to end this article with good and bad news. The good news is that every detail can be improved. The bad news is that the creation of a perfect brand never ends.
Read more:
Luxury Jewelry Marketing 1500% ROI from Facebook Advertising [Case Study]
Jewelry Advertising Mistakes, Analytics Examples, and Channels
How to increase high-end jewelry sales online without wasting money on marketing
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