HVAC Marketing

HVAC Marketing Strategies and Cost Per Lead at Facebook, Linkedin and Google Ads

Before choosing an HVAC marketing agency or company, I highly recommend analysing HVAC B2B industry cost per lead. I already have 2 HVAC companies I work with, and I will show you the price per lead analytics for USA and UK market – most competitive and expensive in the entire world when it comes to marketing.

HVAC Marketing
HVAC Marketing – DO NOT COPY THIS IMAGE – it has copyrights.

How to choose an HVAC Marketing agency in the USA and UK

Before marketing your HVAC business, you must set-up some expectations to avoid all the FAKE GURUS claiming they will provide you INTERESTED HVAC leads for 2$. It’s impossible. Choose an agency that is honest with you. Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) analysed CPL and discovered that the average cost for an HVAC lead is between $250 to $300 per lead.

As we know, the average service value at B2B HVAC niche is 15.000$-25000$. Having that in mind, spending 250-300$ for a lead is healthy. However, we were getting a better result after testing and optimising the offer, copy, photo, and video creative.

Top 3 HVAC marketing strategies and their costs

1. HVAC Facebook Advertising Cost Per Lead

Facebook marketing for HVAC companies is the best solution to get a low price per lead results in comparison with average industry CPL. As I mentioned with the red font colour. We were getting around 40-60$ cost per lead using Facebook Ads. And the company we did marketing spent 3.000$ in the first month I managed to close two deals worth 150.000$. That is an impressive return on investment here. However, those results may not come in the first month. They may come in 1-4 months. If your marketing is on point, be patient until big clients come.

2. HVAC Linkedin Advertising Cost Per Lead

Linkedin is providing the same cost per lead as strategy number 3. Google and Microsoft Search Ads Around 150-250$ per lead. But the quality of the leads is outstanding! If we compare all the channels, LinkedIn is bringing the best quality leads. Here are some examples of how to reduce Linkedin cost per lead: LinkedIn Lead Generation Cost USA and UK 2019 [REPORT]

3. HVAC Google and Microsoft Search Advertising Cost Per Lead

Inside those two channels, the competition is enormous, and the cost per click is also very expensive! However, it’s worth it, especially if you are providing B2B services like HVAC Engineering, Design with 3D visualisation, Supply of equipment and materials, installation, maintenance.

Additional strategies a professional marketing company HVAC might recommend to implement for as long term strategy:

1. Content Marketing
2. ON SEO and OFF  SEO optimisation
3. Google Maps Optimization with citations
One, two and three have to be made at the same time.

4. Automated cold mailing.
5. Youtube Video Ads in Combination with Google Display Ads.

In conclusion, setting up the right expectation regarding the cost and budget to invest in marketing. The right and properly implemented strategy will get you a positive return on investment from any strategy I described above. Be patient, sooner or later you will get your big fish – big HVAC client. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at alexander@alldgt.com or via chat in the right corner.

Alexander Skibinskiy

Alexander Skibinskiy is the father of ALLDGT. Over the last 10 years, Alexander has been working in web development, digital marketing consulting, B2B sales, SEO, and e-commerce.

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