In this post we will analyze 30 nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising Ideas from different known brands. When you reach the end of the post you will learn what is important to use in an advertising so that can increase your conversion rate and what you should not use.
In recent years the awareness people have for their food to be healthy has grown considerably. And this can mean only one thing. Companies are adapting their strategies to meet changing consumer demands and food beliefs. So, if your store isn’t promoting healthy food, you can consider starting doing this.
Another recent study by NGA (National Grocers Association) said that 8 in 10 families from the U.S. would love to try organic products. So, if you considered promoting healthy food, your marketing strategy will have a great influence on your sales.
Nutrition and Healthy Food E-commerce Advertising Ideas From Successful Brands
#1 Hello Fresh Nutrition Advertisement Ideas(Good Example)

We start with a well know wellness and nutrition company, HelloFresh, and they are using a famous person in the advertising. This will grab more attention than if this was done with someone who was not popular. The conversion rate will rise. A little minus here is the video being in a horizontal line. For better optimization, for mobile users and using less space, vertical video will do it better. Also, it will improve cost per click and overall customer acquisition.
#2 Urth Box Nutrition Marketing Strategy(Good Example)

An interesting example here with a good ad copy and the use of e-Commerce promotions. This will increase sales. Also, the Pacman in the corner suggesting that he will eat everything creates emotion for viewers. This kind of creativity makes the brand stand out.
#3 NOW Foods Nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising Ideas (Good Example)

Pets will attract attention depending on the target audience. Their advertising targets people who are interested in mindfulness, yoga, zen. Also, people that have dogs or any other pets. Another good point is the use of influencers in advertising. They bring a higher conversion rate.
#4 Thorne Marketing Ideas For Supplements (Good Example)

The use of quotes in advertising grabs a lot of attention. People will start commenting on the post. Will encourage communication. Also, the use of a known person will get them an advantage.
#5 Graze Nutrition Marketing Ideas (Good Example)

In this example, they are using e-commerce offers that will increase sales. Good examples for:
– Prospecting target audience – Free box advertising;
– Remarketing – 30% off advertising.
#6 Freshly Health and Wellness Marketing Strategies (Good Example)
Good advertising that hooks you up if you are hungry and scroll on the internet. The ad attains the goal to attract viewers’ attention and induce hunger. Emotionally, viewers will buy from them. Hunger is a primal emotion that stimulates the brain well.
#7 Fit Snack Nutrition Advertisement (Bad Example)

A bad example here. The offer is not transmitted well. You can’t understand what is happening in the advertising. I would have done it like in the example above from Graze for better results.
#8 Vegancuts Nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising Ideas (Good Example)

Interesting advertising that stirs up interest. Yet it can be improved by working better on the offer like in the good examples above.
#9 Gainful Health And Wellness Marketing Strategies(Good Example)

They know exactly that the target audience knows how important is nutrition. With this kind of advertising, they will sure conquer their hearts.
#10 Yumble Nutrition Marketing Strategies (Very Good Example)

Mothers are very tired and every one of them wishes to try this kind of service. For the good of her kids and for her. This brand has a clear and captivating offer that will increase sales. In other words, a good business with a clear and well-chosen niche.
#11 Sunbasket Nutrition Advertisement (Good Example)
A very interesting ad copy. A good offer and good use of emotions. They use different advertising depending on where the customer is on the funnel.
#12 Green Chef Nutrition Campaign Ideas (Good Example)

This brand has a lot of advertising with social proof, which will create a bond of trust between potential clients and the brand. Another good point is the use of the psychological principle “reasons why- To buy or not to buy?”. Everyone before buying a product checks all aspects and wants to find reasons for buying a product before checking out.
#13 Hint Nutrition Advertisement (Neutral)

Unboxing in advertising is very good. The offer is good but there is a problem here. They have a restricted public and niche. There are few people that consume this kind of product. In this case, I will suggest using a popular figure, or an influencer. They need to understand how can they influence people in starting buying the product. The strategy needs to be reviewed and they must involve people that have authority over the target audience. A good example for you to understand is Elon Musk and the influence of Bitcoin’s rise and fall.
#14 Fresh Fitness Food Nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising Ideas (Neutral)

First advertising can be improved. Instead of showing the back of the women, show body parts that are sexier. This leads to a lower cost per click. #1 Rule in marketing is to attract attention. The more attention you attract, the less you pay.
#15 Bean Box Marketing Nutrition(Neutral)

This kind of advertising do not attract enough attention. Even the offer is not very powerful placed. Down below we have an example of another coffee subscription brand that done it better, Blue Bottle Coffee.

Blue Bottle Coffee is using the Free Shipping strategy in advertising on Facebook. This is a good way to gain a lot of customers because everyone likes free shipping. Also, the use of animals in advertising grabs more attention, hence the conversion rate will be higher.
#16 My Prep Nutrition Advertisement Ideas (Good Example)

Interesting advertising here that promotes food the right way. They can improve this campaign by adding a video ad and test how the target audience reacts. It is very clear what they are selling. Good clarity in advertising.
#17 Chefs Plate Nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising Ideas(Good Example)

Good advertising, offer, and good use of aesthetics. Red background, good contrast. Overall good.
#18 Banza Nutrition Marketing Ideas(Good Example)

Very interesting advertising we have here. A good example of how you can attract a lot of attention and stop viewers from scrolling. It shows action and automatically when the viewer sees this will want to know what happens next and clicks on the video. This makes you interact with the brand. It is very good to use a thumbnail like this that grabs attention.
#19 Applegate Nutrition Advertisement(Good Example)

They have an emotional message that will provoke interest. Good focus on the message and they motivate viewers to make engagement with the company.
#20 Bob’s Red Mill Nutrition Campaigns(Bad Example)

There is no offer here, no vertical video, and can be a problem for mobile users. They need to work on the digital marketing strategy.
#21 Purely Elizabeth Health And Wellness Marketing Ideas (Good Example)

Keto is a new trend. Any message that includes keto grabs attention. It has a specific target audience, so if you are not a keto fan probably you won’t get it and scroll forward. Also, chocolate always attracts attention.
#22 Harmless Harvest Nutrition Marketing Example(Good Example)
The video ad is very long, it occupies all the space when you are on mobile and scroll on social media. So this will make you click on the advertising. Plus there is a woman that grabs the viewer’s attention and this will lead to a higher conversion rate.
#23 Pacific Foods Nutrition Campaign Ideas(Good Example)

This brand relies on influencers as well as their paid advertising. It’s a very good idea that when you start collaborating with an influencer to specify that you want to use their posts on Facebook and Social Media as advertising.
Advice: A video ad will bring more impact and creates trust rapidly. This will help clients to take a faster decision when it comes to buying from you. Thus it will bring more sales to you.
#24 CAULIPOWER Nutrition Advetisement(Good Example)

A pretty interesting example of advertising. The video ad will grab attention.
#25 Wholly Guacamole Health And Wellness Marketing Ideas(Good Example)

They use a lot of creativity in their video advertising which already attracts attention. Every avocado lover that will see this will stop for a moment and will click on this video. Therefore, the conversion rate will be higher.
#26 Kite Hill Nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising Examples(Very Good Example)

Very good aesthetics in this advertising. Good contrast between dark skin, pink, and red color. Very good execution. In other words, this will make viewers remember the brand.
#27 Ripple Foods Advertisement Ideas(Good Example)

A very interesting message and bright colors. Thus, this makes you remember easily the brand.
#28 Crazy Richard’s Nutrition and Wellness Advertisement(Good Example)

This brand uses carousel advertising with customer reviews. This is a very good strategy both on the product page and on the remarketing advertisement. Social proof always performs well. Especially video reviews.
#29 KIND Snacks Advertisement Ideas(Neutral)

They lack a good offer and influencers to motivate viewers. Usually 50% off and one month free is the best offer to attract attention and increase sales on subscription offers. Another thing is the absence of human beings, human touch on products. A video ad with someone that tries the product, eats it. Something here is missing.
#30 Field Trip Nutrition Campaign Ideas (Neutral)

This brand uses a collaboration strategy with Amazon. But, the bad part of this is that Amazon doesn’t permit analyzing the results. It’s good for brand awareness, but as a marketing structure, I don’t recommend sending traffic on Amazon. You will not know how much you pay and the most important thing, you cannot measure the results.
A strong and well placed offer with a combination of good aesthetics and creativity will bring your Nutrition and Wellness E-commerce Advertising success. Study the good and the bad examples above. Learn from their mistakes and try to find your own strategy.
If you found this blog post useful and need advice on how to implement good marketing strategies that will increase your conversion rate, contact our team now and we will be more than happy to help you.
Also, I highly recommend to read the following articles:
Facebook Ecommerce Sharing The World Best Marketing Strategy
10 ways to boost your eCommerce business with social media
E-commerce Offers That Always Help To Increase Revenue, Profitability & Conversion Rate
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