This facebook eCommerce strategy, I’m sharing with you, can’t be found for free on the internet. Only paid masterclasses, and just a part of it. I give it out for free and I’m kindly asking you, a minimum, to share this blog post on your network Linkedin or Facebook with a hashtag: #ecommerce.
Once you master this strategy you will become addicted to it like me. I can stay day and night investigating Facebook eCommerce data and optimizing every step in the marketing strategy and structure I’m going to show.
Facebook eCommerce performs better for companies who understand the importance of investing in visual, product photography and video production. Visual and designs sell. Period. But on top of that, we have an eCommerce marketing structure. If you master these two things, visuals and marketing structure, your eCommerce success can happen overnight!
Firstly, woud you buy the product from the left or from the right?
Adveristing without marketing structure is like a leavining in the building without foundation.
Alexander Skibinskiy, CEO at ALLDGT
Let me demonstrate the power of eCommerce facebook structure. Economically speaking, I’ll demonstrate how I achieved an average of 1500% ROAS using Facebook eCommerce. Afterwards, I will describe the exact Facebook eCommerce structure and strategy you can use for your eCommerce business. I can guarantee that the structure works with 100% precision.
I started my first eCommerce business in summer of 2016. I didn’t know yet about “marketing structure” concept yet. The more I was learning about eCommerce marketing, the more I was aware of its magical power.
The starting point of my eCommerce journey was not profitable at all. Only a 180% return on advertising spend (ROAS). It means that for every $1 I invested in Facebook eCommerce advertising I earned $1.80.
I was determined, I continued to invest money and time in marketing. Learning and developing a strategy and structure to improve ROAS.

By the end of 2016, the marketing structure was finally made. As a result, I become profitable with 640% ROAS. Now for every $1 invested in facebook ads, I was getting back $6.4 dollars. As you can see from the image, there was a long run of testing a bunch of advertising campaigns. Finally, I made a 3 level structure, I will talk about below. Since then I never changed this structure. But this is not the end.

In 2017, I started to optimize every step in the structure by doing different A/B testings. So I manage to increase average ROAS that became 831%

In 2018, our Facebook Ecommerce Structure is delivered great results and we are growing fast, ending the year with 1160% ROAS.

In 2019, we are achieving 1500% ROAS. Only from Facebook E-commerce Ads. We also have Google Paid Ads, Content Marketing + SEO as marketing channels.

So what you have to understand from this example?
Inspite of high competion and rise of advertising costs. Facebook Ecommerce Structure will ensure continues and stable growth over the years.
Alexander Skibinskiy CEO at ALLDGT
Facebook Ecommerce Structure:
Top of the structure.
In the top of the structure, we have a prospecting campaign. Here is important to segment your potential customer audiences. You will select different interests like in the example I will show bellow. Firstly, If you combine them together in one single adse, it will be impossible to find a specific audience that brings high positive ROAS. Secondly, in this early stage, you have to exclude Facebook and Instagram Engagers, becouse we are gonna advertise to them in stage number two. Since they are part of the remarketing structure, not prospecting. By excluding them you’ll boost the performance of your facebook eCommerce prospecting campaign.
Once again, in order to find most performing audiences that can get you higher ROAS for your ecommerce product, you must segment your audiences like this:
Audience 1. By Job Title
Audience 2. By Jewelry Brands
Audience 3. By Magazines
Audience 4. By Clothing Brands
Audience 5. By General interests
Just imagine you have a jewellery RETAIL STORE. You have different audiences/demographics that are coming to your store. Let’s take just two, simple corporate worker and doctors. Of course, doctors will buy more expensive items since their income is higher. Talking from my own experience.
So, Facebook gives you the possibility to target those audiences. Your job is to find audiences that bring higher ROAS. That’s why you have to segment/separate them. Don’t advertise all audiences in one single Facebook Ad Set. Period.
Facebook E-commerce is so powerful, that their algorithm allows you to create audiences based on different interactions or your Email List. Basically it creates similar audiences. They are called Lookalike or LLA audiences as follow:
Audience 6. Similar Audiences that match interest of your Facebook Page Likers,
Audience 7. Similar Audiences that match the interest of your Facebook Page Enagers,
Audience 8. Similar Audiences that match the interest of people who visited your website
Audience 9. Similar Audiences that match the interest of people who Clicked on Add to card
Audience 10. Similar Audiences that match the interest of people who Initiate a Checkout
Purchases 11. Similar Audiences that match the interest of people who Purchased a product from your store
Email List 12. Similar Audiences that match the interest of people from your Email list
And there are many other options and combinations you can use. You can create hundreds of audiences in that way.
We already have a minimum of 12 audiences in our prospecting marketing structure. You have to test each audience, and stop advertising to audiences with a low Return on Advertising. You can leave running any audience that brings you over 200% ROAS.
Middle of the Structure. Stage 2. Standart Ecommerce Remarketing Campaign.
40-60% OF ENTIRE E-COMMERCE SALES WILL COME FROM THIS FACEBOOK E-COMMERCE STAGE. Here we are going to do detailed segmentation of audiences that already engaged with our brand.
It means the audience already know about us. In that case, it will be easy to sell them. And we are going to segment those audiences by type, by number of DAYS and video views in some cases. The last one is used when you have videos/advertising video of your eCommerce products.
Each audience in this structure has to be segmented by days.
As following: 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, 160 days, 180, Days.
Test and stop advertising to segments that bring low ROAS. You must come with different offers and creatives for each segment.
For example, 7 days segment audience can get 5% OFF offer, 14 days audience 10% OFF, 30 days 15% OFF and so on. 60 Days New Collection is Comming, etc.
Usually, low-cost products are worth to remarketing up to 60 days.
For luxury products over $2000, we can advertise the full period of 180 since here decision-making process is longer.
Type segmentation:
Audience 1. Facebook Engagers
Audience 2. Instagram Engagers
Audience 3. Website Visitors
Audience 4. Add To Cart
Audience 5. Initiate Checkout
Audience 6. Purchases
Ps. Audience 7. Video Remarketing
I will explain this stage below.
Bottom of the Facebook Ecommerce structure is dynamic Ads
Dynamic Remarketing Campaign that basically repeats the configuration of the standard remarketing campaign. Dynamics ads are showing the exact products you were watching on the website or random products. You may ask why I need 2 Remarketing campaigns in the structure? From my experience, they both work good, and both brings higher ROAS. Usually, Dynamic ads have higher better ROAS then Standart Remarketing campaign.
How to empower Ecommerce Structure using other facebook adverting strategies?
There are many ways to empower your eCommerce brand on facebook, depends on your goal. If you want to get more Facebook Like to you business page then you can run Facebook Engagement Marketing Campaign.
If you have videos ads or video product creatives then you can create a Video Marketing Campaigns, and remarketing all people who watched your video content or part of your video content. Here you also can segment the audience by 25%, 50%, 75% and 95%. Usually, 25% doesn’t work well, above 50% is something that worth to remarketing.
In conclusion,
Every time I advertise something without any structure, in the majority of cases, I get a low return on advertising spent and low performance. It’s getting hard to get positive ROAS without structure. Once I build structure, I’m starting getting positive results. So, the lesson for you is to invest in structure and product visuals to sell more and get positive ROAS from your eCommerce business!
Recommendations to read:
7 eCommerce strategies that will outperform retail sales
Facebook Ecommerce Insights and Case Studies
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