
B2B web marketing 5 proven and fast strategies

Dear B2B professionals, business owners and managers. I want to show you 5 proven and fast B2B web marketing strategies! Using these strategies you will be able to understand how to get unlimited B2B deals and the major reason why B2B businesses are giving up from advertising online.

1. B2B Web Marketing and investing in Facebook Ads

Facebook is really powerful to advertise B2B product or services. Here is an example of Ecommerce B2B web marketing using Facebook ads. We started it summer 2016. The beginning was not profitable at all and for every $1 invested in ads, we earned $1.82.

First months of B2B marketing are hard. Almost any business will be getting a low return on advertising spent. But this can be a mental problem as well. Becouse we as business owners, during this moment, tend to believe that marketing is wasting of money. At least I was thinking like this when started my first B2B marketing project. However, I continued to advertise.

B2B web marketing

And by the end of 2016, I tested over 36 marketing campaigns and find a few that were bringing positive results. Now we became profitable. And for every dollar invested in marketing, we earn $6.64.

B2B web marketing

In 2017, I started to invest more money and we got 8.31 ROAS. It means that for every dollar invested in B2B web Marketing we earned $8.31.

B2B web marketing

In 2018, we continued to grow and we almost achieved 1200% ROAS. For every dollar invested, we earned back 12$.

In 2019 we are reaching 1500% ROAS. For every dollar invested, we earned back 15$.

B2B Web Marketing Mistake. Advertising without structure.

Do you see? From the example above, even if the advertising cost is getting more expensive, competition is growing, but I still manage to increase my Return on Advertising Spend, year by year. It’s only possible with a marketing structure. Period.

Please watch a short episode from my online B2B web marketing training, where I talk about the importance of marketing structure.

B2B web marketing without a structure is like a home without foundation.

Alexander Skibinskiy, CEO at ALLDGT

2. B2B Google Paid Search and Display Marketing

Now if you understand the principle of marketing structure you can easily use Google Paid ads. You can Start building your first B2B web marketing structure.

Every B2B businesses owner is using google services. Google has all the information about us. Right? Every marketer has access to it and you can have it by registering at Google Ads platform.

Jut an example of out many targeting possibilities, Google Allows you to Create Custom audiences and advertise to specif people. People who were searching for your product or services in their system.

Here is an example of B2B targeting I used for HVAC company in London:

B2B web marketing
Custom B2B Intent Audience

3. B2B Blog Marketing

How important is for B2B business start blogging? Well. If you are here, reading this blog post. Then it’s really important. I will explain why by using my own B2B businesses that started in 2013 and sold in 2016.

It was really hard for me then in 2013 to gen unlimited B2B clients. I was doing all the traditional marketing strategies that involve cold calling, networking and cold emailing. I was getting clients, but really hard, I was wasting a lot of time on the meeting without closing any deal.

This situation made me think about starting a blog. Doing content marketing. So I took content marketing masterclass I paid almost 5000$. By the end of it, I was able to make a content marketing strategy and I started to execute it.

By the end of 2014, I wrote about 30 articles and got only one single LEAD. But I see that my website traffic is growing so I continued to develop more sohphsitaced B2b web content marketing strategy.


In 2015, things changed, I started to get more traction and more leads. So this year I ended up with 51 clients. Now I was able to hire 2 interns to execute the content marketing strategy so I could focus more on developing the product and business.


In 2016 we wrote about 300 blog post and we got 327 B2B customers:


In 2017, before I sold this blog post we had 600 articles in total, and only in 2017, we got 683 clients only from Content Marketing.


As a summary, I start seeing first clients when I wrote 100 blog posts. Image writing a lot without seeing results. It’s hard. In average 1 blog post means 1 client per year.

4. B2B Video Marketing

Videoblog is also a type of content that works better than a simple blog in majority cases. But it also harder to create and produce. Ideally, you have to produce written and video content together. In that way, you will maximize and get results faster.

Video Advertising is another sub-topic of video marketing.

Please read this article: https://alldgt.com/saas-marketing/ Here I explain the exact video web marketing B2B strategy and advertising structure most successful B2B businesses are using and it works 100% for any B2B niche.

Succesful example of B2B advertising:

5. B2B Email Automation Marketing

It works, but I don’t recommend focusing only on this one strategy. It will not guarantee a constant flow of b2b clients. It’s a way to go if you don’t have any penny to get B2B clients. I was using it. Once I started to get a cashflow I switched then to content and paid web B2B marketing.

It’s a strategy I learnt from paid digital marketing training.

Step number 1, get a list of B2B owners or managers:

How you can do it? Easily. You need to use Linkedin Sales Navigator https://business.linkedin.com/sales-solutions. Using this tool you can see all the decision-makers from any business niche and company. It cost $40 per month.

After you get access to Linkedin Salev Navagitor you have to use https://getprospect.io/ – a tool that can extract and find emails for a specific person in bulk. You will be using an add-on for Google Chrome that will extract all the data. In that way, you can make a big list of B2B owners and managers from a specific industry.

Step number 2. Validate your list before sending

Some of the emails are not going to work, it would be better if you validate all the list of emails here: https://neverbounce.com/ prior to uploading them your email automation. It also helps to maintain a healthy score for your email address.

Step number 3. Set-up email automation outreach:

Instead of manually sending them emails, you can automate this process. Save a lot of time and be more efficient, I mean doing another work that brings money into business instead of writing cold emails.

Here we have to use another software tool, called: https://woodpecker.co/. That allows you to automatically send emails from your mailbox. Moreover, it also has to follow automation. If someone is not answering you can send another email. In the end, this tool behaves like a human, so you will not get into SPAM folder 😉 And you can send up to 50-200 emails per day.

Ps. I recommend using Business Google Email for this automation.

Alexander Skibinskiy

Alexander Skibinskiy is the father of ALLDGT. Over the last 10 years, Alexander has been working in web development, digital marketing consulting, B2B sales, SEO, and e-commerce.

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